Organoids nature
类器官是简单的基于组织工程细胞的体外模型,概括了相应体内组织的复杂结构和功能的许多方面。它们可以被解剖和询问,用于人体组织发育、再生和修复的基本机制研究,也可以用于诊断、疾病建模、药物发现和个性化医学。类器官来源于多能干细胞或组织驻留干细胞(胚胎或成体),或来自健康或患病组织(如肿瘤)的祖细胞或分化细胞。迄今为止,已经报道了许多支持类器官培养和生长、增殖、分化和成熟的类器官工程策略。 本初级读本强调了选择和开发这些材料和方法以控制细胞/组织生态位的基本原理;以及因此工程类有机物的结构和功能。我们还讨论了产生强大类器官的关键考虑因素,如与细胞分离和播种、基质和可溶性因子选择、物理线索和整合有关的因素。还概述了类器官群落中数据质量、再现性和沉积的一般标准。最后,我们最后阐述了类有机物在不同应用中的局限性,以及未来几年类有机物工程的关键优先事项。





Organoids are simple tissue-engineered cell-based in vitro models that recapitulate many aspects of the complex structure and function of the corresponding in vivo tissue. They can be dissected and interrogated for fundamental mechanistic studies on development, regeneration and repair in human tissues, and can also be used in diagnostics, disease modelling, drug discovery and personalized medicine. Organoids are derived from either pluripotent or tissue-resident stem (embryonic or adult) or progenitor or differentiated cells from healthy or diseased tissues, such as tumours. To date, numerous organoid engineering strategies that support organoid culture and growth, proliferation, differentiation and maturation have been reported. This Primer highlights the rationale underlying the selection and development of these materials and methods to control the cellular/tissue niche; and therefore, the structure and function of the engineered organoid. We also discuss key considerations for generating robust organoids, such as those related to cell isolation and seeding, matrix and soluble factor selection, physical cues and integration. The general standards for data quality, reproducibility and deposition within the organoid community are also outlined. Lastly, we conclude by elaborating on the limitations of organoids in different applications, and the key priorities in organoid engineering for the coming years.
Stem cells are critical in maintaining organ size, structure and function through cellular renewal, migration, differentiation and apoptosis. Stem cells reside in a defined microenvironment commonly referred to as the stem cell niche to regulate stem cell fate. Given the importance of these environmental cues, there have been numerous tissue engineering attempts to mimic the stem cell niche in vitro to achieve high spatio-temporal control over cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions and reproduce mechano-chemical cues using engineered hydrogels and micro-devices. In 1977, Matrigel, a basement membrane extracellular matrix (ECM) containing a unique mix of ECM components and growth factors, was extracted from mouse sarcoma tumours and used to support in vitro cell culture. Matrigel was later shown to allow breast epithelial cells to grow in three dimensions and form lumens with milk protein secretion6, and adult intestinal stem cells embedded in Matrigel in the presence of a tissue-specific cocktail of growth factors were also shown to self-organize into 3D crypt–villus structures. Organoid research intertwined with 3D cell culture, stem cell and tissue engineering for over a century, with various debates on the definition, standard and scope.
An organoid is a self-organized 3D tissue that is typically derived from stem cells (pluripotent, fetal or adult), and which mimics the key functional, structural and biological complexity of an organ. Cells comprising organoids can be derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) or tissue-derived cells (TDCs), including normal stem/ progenitor cells, differentiated cells and cancer cells. Compared with conventional 2D cultures and animal models, organoid cultures enable patient specificity in the model while recapitulating in vivo tissue-like structures and functions in vitro. Organoid cultures are more accessible for manipulation and in-depth biological studies than animal models. As such, organoid cultures have been leveraged for a wide variety of applications including drug discovery, personalized companion diagnostics15 and cell therapy.
Moving forward, the trend is to develop more complex models that recapitulate in vivo structure and function as faithfully as possible, in terms of the recapitulating cell types over time, tissue architecture, measurable molecular events and phenotypic functions. Rather than focusing exclusively on the most prominent markers or functional assays, architectural benchmarking of native tissue should also be performed. In the example of hepatocyte organoids, hepatocyte functions are preserved, yet the liver tissue architecture does not match the native tissue where hepatocytes are arranged in cords. Similarly, organoids such as pancreatic or colon cancer organoids grow isotropically, forming a cyst instead of the tubular structure they would form in their native tissue. To derive more complex functions, organoids with multicellular and multi-tissue structures will be important, especially in the context of studying cell–cell interactions. Along this vein, assembloids and organs-on-chips are also becoming increasingly complex and more broadly adopted.
On the other hand, the engineer’s approach is to pursue simpler reductionist models defined by the minimal functional modules that drive a complex cellular or tissue function of interest, to study the mechano-biological causation in development or repair, or to develop a robust system for high-throughput screening. The basic premise is that a complex biological function is executed by coordinated operation of a limited number of functional modules, each described by a small set of molecules, and chemical reactions driving physical attribute changes of mesoscale (subcellular or intercellular tissue/multicellular) structures associated with functions of interest in the specific spatio-temporal stage/phase/step. For example, bile canaliculi in the liver exhibit hourly cycles of expansion and contraction. To study the causative contraction events with high resolution, only regions of adjacent hepatocytes forming the bile canaliculi are directly studied in the context of the entire regulatory machinery of adjacent hepatocytes. One can choose to create a much larger structure involving cholangiocytes than the one operated by the minimal functional modules but the model will be noisy and costly. Each functional module is coupled to another and can be modelled together or independently at different length scale. Simple reductionist models have been useful for high-resolution mechanistic understanding of tissue morphogenetic events such as defects. Geometrically constraining the size of the initial 2D seeding pattern and 3D formation by micropatterning and supporting 3D cell growth using Matrigel enabled the induction of tissue-like neural tube morphogenesis and production of highly reproducible neural tubes. This also allowed identification of the mechanisms of neural tube folding and modelled neural tube defects. In another example, symmetry breaking in a uniform sphere of cells and the emergence of a Paneth cell is a critical event in the early stage of intestinal organoid formation. The mechanism was recently elucidated: symmetry breaking is caused by transient activation of the mechanotransducer YAP1, which induces NOTCH-DLL1 lateral inhibition events. YAP1 activation has since been controlled by applying geometrical constraints in hydrogel scaffolds and producing a uniform and reproducible intestinal microtissue3. Organoids can be constrained by reducing the third dimension in a 2.5D culture. The 2.5D culture reduces the depth-driven variabilities of a typical organoid: diffusional constraints in the hypoxic core, limited accessibility for drugs/transfection agents and impeded imaging transparency. Typical examples of restrictions in the third dimension include culturing cells on curved or patterned surfaces, a flattened or constrained cellular construct and overlaying the ECM on a flat cell monolayer at high confluency, which would pull the cells upward, forcing more cell–cell interactions to adopt 3D cell morphology. Hepatocytes in a collagen sandwich have sufficient contact area to attain polarity and form a bile canalicular lumen that contracts in the same periodic cycles as in vivo without the 3D network, wider and cholestatic compared with the native tissue. This cell-based model enables high resolution dissection of the mechanism of bile canaliculi contraction into steps and an understanding of the molecular machinery regulating the phase transitions. We would also envision more engineered organoid models based on CRISPR-edited cells for disease modelling, although these cells and models are synthetic.
Besides technological advances in creating more physiologically relevant, robust and easier to use organoid models, we envision seeing greater impact in applications. In the past two decades, although there have been discussions to replace animal testing, these efforts have not yet led to concrete actions. However, this is rapidly changing, with regulatory hard stops now established on multiple fronts. Organoids that can recapitulate the complex physiological functions in vivo have also boosted confidence that the new alternative methods are now viable options. There will be more extrapolation of animal research findings in human organoids to better understand human biology and pathophysiology. We envision widespread adoption of organoids as cell sources for cell therapy, regenerative medicine, in vitro diagnostics and drug discovery. |